Towards Reference Modelling Of Mobile Scenarios In The Wireless World

Xiaosong Zheng, Petri Pulli


Reference modelling is regarded as one of the fundamental approaches in
many industries including telecommunications, software development, Manufacturing,
aircraft and aerospace etc. It is particularly expressive and versatile also in modelling
the specification of a complex mobile scenario. However, while the modelling of the
static part of a mobile scenario results well suited and expressive, in the modelling of
mobile scenarios there is a growing consensus on the fact that in the real world mobile
scenarios are dynamic in nature and they are better represented with dynamic
modelling. In this paper it first comes up with introduction of a reference model which
forms the basis in Wireless Strategic Initiative (WSI) research project. The CyPhone
system is then presented and it is followed by both static and dynamic reference
modelling, which are drawn from CyPhone outdoor navigation scenario. The dynamic
models explicitly portray several environmental objects, subsystems and events to
describe a complete mobile service scenario. This paper contributes to the
understanding of the generic reference model and static and dynamic reference
modelling in the wireless world. This paper ends up with a conclusion and future work
is outlined.

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